niedziela, 21 listopada 2010


Większość zdjęć z wycieczki Yr10 do Sydney już na Facebook'u!

Na notkę braknie czasu, a już we wtorek jadę do Newcastle, później drugi weekend Rotary w Tocal, a w następny wtorek już jedziemy na nasze wakacje z Nixonami! A tak w ogóle, to chce mi się spać, wczoraj długo siedziałam przy komputerze obrabiając fotki, a dziś rano Lesley mnie obudziła wcześnie, bo od 8:30 do 15:00 miało nie być prądu i wody, a później byłam na campdraft (spójrzcie też na zdjęcia w albumie "Merriwa life")...

Potrzeba mi cudu namnożenia czasu.

Tymczasem wrzucam tu mój artykuł do lokalnej gazety, Merriwa Ringer:

Year 10 trip to Sydney

Last week was full of great fun for Year 10 and Aggie, i.e. me, from Year 12 (exchange student from Poland). On Monday 15th November, together with Ms Meyer and Mr Perkins, we got on the train in Muswellbrook to begin our journey to Sydney. As we arrived in the biggest city of NSW, we unpacked our bags in Youth Hostel just across the street of Central Railway Station and went to Macquarie Centre for ice skating. Everyone was very excited. Adon was the first person to fall on the ground. We have to say, that Mr Perkins was pretty good and Megan was absolutely the best in ice skating! We missed one train so we came back to the hostel just before midnight.

Tuesday wasn’t supposed to give us time to relax after late night. We got up in the morning, got onto the train, then on a ferry and went to Taronga Zoo! We split into few small groups and had a look around. I was very excited to see the platypus for the first time in my life. We’ve also seen this new-born elephant! Taronga Zoo is an amazing place, I have to admit that giraffes have a beautiful view of Sydney Opera House from their home! We met together for lunch and then went to see a seal show and feeding penguins.

At 3pm we came back to Circular Quay, just to change ferries and go to Manly. Girls really enjoyed shopping and boys went for a swim in the (quite cold) ocean.

On Wednesday we finally had time to take a breath. Despite of getting up an hour earlier than on the other days, it was a relaxing day. We’ve spent two hours in the train to Katoomba. There we’ve watched “The Edge” – it was a really interesting documentary about Blue Mountains. In the afternoon, after two hours of way back to Sydney, we got on a Sydney Explorer Bus. We drove around the city and listened to comments about the places of interest. We didn’t have much energy to hop off the bus, so we just stayed inside... We got off in China Town to have a nice dinner. When we came back to hostel, we went for a swim in an indoor swimming pool.

Thursday was the day that all the girls waited for. In the morning we got on the bus, similar to the bus from the previous day, but we went on a drive around the Eastern Suburbs. We got off on Bondi Beach, where one of the Life Guards waited for us to give us a lesson about his work. We wouldn’t go away without taking photos with him. Then we had free time, so we took photos near the water. Water was 19.5OC and girls said it was too cold, but Adon and I went for a swim. Then boys (Jeremy and Adon) hired two boards and I’m sure they enjoyed waves very much.

We came back to hostel, had a short time for a nap and at 3pm went out to visit Maritime Museum. The exhibition was very interesting, we especially enjoyed computer quizzes about the life on the deck. After that, we went on a tour around Queen Victoria Building, had dinner and went to bed exhausted (okay, just before the bed time, some of us played cards; Mr Perkins said, that Rebecka was cheating).

On Friday morning, after breakfast, fully packed (we left our luggage in the hostel) we attacked Paddy’s Markets. We did some shopping. We were on the Central Railway Station just after 11am and our train was 12.15pm, so we were sitting and waiting, chatting, looking at photos we’ve taken, reading, watching a movie on Jeremy’s laptop...

The journey on the train went fast, and before we could notice, we were back at home. Five days of our trip were amazing. We’ve seen so many places and had fun together. We surely got to know each other a lot better.

I would like to give especially thanks to Ms Meyer, who has invited me to go with Year 10. It was such a great opportunity to see Sydney. Thank you!

And thank you Mr Perkins! Especially for your patience when you took two girls to Subway when all of the others had fish & chips for the dinner...

Aggie Fedor

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